Nov 20, 2020
This is one I've wanted to do since I started the podcast. Social Media is an interesting subject to study as it's still so new to humanity. But one thing is clear that while so many great things have come from social media, a lot of negative effects have been detrimental for peoples' mental health. There is a clear increase in depression, anxiety and suicide with the invention of the iPhone in 2007.
Social Media was suppose to connect us to people and while it does that in so many great ways, it also ironically disconnects us with people. It's not a coincidence that a lot of the heads of these social media giants refuse to let their own children have social media accounts.
This episode isn't about everyone getting off (while that might be necessary for some), it's more about learning how to have a healthy relationship with it. For some social media is about growing businesses and making new connections in industry, for others it's about honing in on a talent of theirs and sharing it with the world, yet for many it's a place they go that makes them feel bullied, less than, terrible parents, spouses or that they're worthless.
Social media has caused problems with my mental health in the past as I had an unhealthy habit of comparing myself to other people. I took over a year off completely disconnected from it and it was fantastic, but also hard when trying to run businesses. I did a complete overhaul and found ways to make it a place that makes me laugh, grow business and strive to put out positivity.
If we're going to social media to troll, degrade, constantly debate and shame people with different ideas than you, then it's probably time to take a break from it. It can be a very positive thing for you as you use it mindfully.
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