May 24, 2020
It was awesome chatting with Austin, he's a marriage and family therapist and currently runs a male retreat called Be The Rise. He shares success stories including his own with addiction and marital problems.
Sorry the audio isn't fantastic on this one, will be better on the next one.
Get a free week of online therapy...
May 17, 2020
It was great to have Dave Brinker on the podcast. He talks about his journey with anxiety, making lifestyle changes, and maintaining healthy habits with exercise, food and sleep. We also chat about passing on healthy mindsets to children about dealing with mental health and that in doing this, the stigma will be gone by...
May 1, 2020
It's wild that we've been doing this podcast for a year. It's been awesome to research and speak with professionals and guests with their own personal experiences.
In this episode we recap our 24 episodes, we cover things that have inspired me over the past year and we end this episode with a 7-day exercise challenge...